Cash Ludo Game

Invite your friends to play on Ludo Wallet’s Private table or Join our Whatsapp groups to make new friends & play privately. Easy Installation Download Ludo Wallet Android App from Ludo Wallet official website & play cash games 24.7. Ludo Pub is the online version of the most played board game - Ludo, with a great twist that you can play this game online for fun, and along with that, if you win, you will earn real cash. The goal here is to be the King of the Empire and if you want to be the king, you have to exercise your Ludo knowledge, you have to strategize your gameplay.

Ludo, a multiplayer board game is a very old yet very popular game that has been an all-time favourite for most people. With smartphones and smart applications taking over, many interesting games like Rummy, Ludo, Tambola are all being made available to gamers as mobile applications that allow them to enjoy the game anywhere, anytime. The cross-platform multiplayer gaming application allows users to play the game with other players irrespective of where they are located.

Being one of the top Ludo game development companies in India, we create gaming applications that have various advanced features that propel this classic board with ace-quality. Our experienced developers create state-of-the-art features that deliver an amazing gaming experience for gamers.

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Ludo Cash Game Review

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Classic / Master / Quick - Game Modes
Refer and Earn - Cash
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Computer Play
Why Choose Us As Your

Ludo Game Development Company?

Colour Moon Technologies is a popular name in the field of website and mobile application development. Be it a business app or a gaming app, our developers have aced the art of creating applications that provide a great user experience. Our game developers are highly innovative and skilled in designing and developing high-quality graphics, scenes and sound effects that enhance the gaming experience. Our Ludo game development services are focused on creating an application that will stand out from the others, with its rich features and stunning effects.

  • A dedicated team of expert ludo game software developers
  • Gaming solutions compatible with all platforms such as iOS and Android
  • Cost-effective gaming solutions
  • Powerful and secure coding
  • Superlative game studio with Flexible and Customized Solutions
  • On-time delivery and free after-sales support
  • 24×7 technical support
Ludo champions is traditional skilled Ludo game . Showcase your Ludo skills & win daily real cash with Ludo and fastest withdrawal system.

Ludo is among the most popular board games that is played by people in their leisure time. It can be played by 2 to 4 players. The objective of Ludo is to race your four tokens from the starting point to the finishing point by rolling a dice. Ludo is like the game of Parchisi, which originated in India around the 6th century.


our Ludo Game is Available in 2Player, 4Player Mode. So user Get More Better Experience.

Withdraw Money

Login into your account on Ludo Champions App and go to the Withdraw menu. Select the option.

Deposited Amount

You Can Deposited Your Amount Via Paytm And Bank Account.

On-time notifications

On time Notification will share by Ludo champions app to all the users

At the start of a game of Ludo, each player must place their four pieces or tokens in the starting area according to their color. The players then take turns to throw the dice. A player must throw a 6 or 1 in order to move a colored token out of the starting area. After that, the player can take the token forward by throwing the dice when it is their turn.

If the player rolls a 6 on the dice, then they can choose to bring a token out of the starting area or move the ones that are already out. The player must be quick in deciding what to do, as the time given to make a move is limited. If a player fails to act within the given time, then the turn passes to the next player.

Cash Ludo Game

During a game of Ludo, if a player rolls a 6 or 1, they can take a new token out of the starting area or move a token that is already out. The player gets a bonus turn for every 6 rolled on the dice. However, if a player rolls 6 three consecutive times, then it is a foul. In this situation, the player forfeits their turn.

Send your opponent’s token back to its start point

If a player’s token is not in a safe zone (safe zones are marked by symbol) and another player occupies that area by rolling the dice, the player’s token gets ‘killed’ and goes back to the starting area. You can slow down your opponents by ‘killing’ them and subsequently sending them back to their starting area. The player who succeeds in making all their tokens cross through all opponent areas and gets them into their respective ‘colored house wins the game.

Play and earn in Ludo online by competing with online players. Use the tokens provided or play for free and win real cash based on your number of wins. The higher the number of wins, the greater the cash prize won.

You could easily spend hours playing Ludo game online, and winning cash prizes is a bonus! The more you play and win, the more you could earn. You can download the Ludo game APK app.

Ludo cash game app

Mpl Ludo Cash Game

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